The objective of the policy
SunPac Solar seeks to maintain and enhance our reputation of providing you with high-quality products and services. We value complaints as they assist us to improve our products, services and customer service.
SunPac Solar is committed to being responsive to the needs and concerns of our customers or potential customers and to resolving your complaint as quickly as possible.
This policy has been designed to provide guidance to both our customers and staff on the manner in which SunPac Solar receives and manages your complaint. We are committed to being consistent, fair and impartial when handling your complaint.
The objective of this policy is to ensure:
• You are aware of our complaint lodgment and handling processes,
• Both you and our staff understand our complaints handling process,
• Your complaint is investigated impartially with a balanced view of all information or evidence,
• We take reasonable steps to actively protect your personal information,
• Your complaint is considered on its merit taking into account individual circumstances and needs.
Definition of a complaint
We deal with complaints related to our services including product dissatisfaction or poor customer service.
How a complaint can be made
If you are dissatisfied with a service or a product provided by us, you should in the first instance consider speaking directly with the staff member/s you have been dealing with. If you are uncomfortable with this or consider the relevant staff member is unable to address your concerns you can lodge a complaint with us in one of the following ways:
• By completing a feedback form on our website
• By telephoning us on 1300 552 819
• By writing to us at 2848 Logan road underwood QLD 4119
• By emailing us at
• In person by speaking to any of our customer service staff.
If we receive your complaint verbally and we consider it appropriate, we may ask you to put your complaint in writing.
Handling your complaint
Upon receiving a complaint, we will acknowledge your matter via telephone or in writing as soon as it’s raised. Issues that are more complex in nature will require further investigation and may take some more time.
We will provide you feedback of your complaint within 21 days of receipt, If further investigation is required we will keep you informed of needing more time and will complete the investigation in no more than 45 days of the receipt of the complaint.
If you are not satisfied with the outcome, we will put your complaint to a higher authority with the aim to arrive at a resolution you are happy with.
In case if you are not happy with final outcome you can escalate complaint externally to any of the below state industry consumer protection organizations.
ACT – Office of Regulatory Services (02- 6207 3000)
QLD – Fair Trading (13 74 68)
NT – Consumer Affairs (1800 019 039)
NSW – Fair Trading (13 32 20)
SA – Consumer and Business services (13 18 82)
TAS – Consumer affairs and Fair Trading (1300 654 499)
VIC – Consumer Affairs (1300 558 181)
WA – Consumer Protection (1300 304 054)